July, 2023

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The Essence of Being a Leader

A Principal's Reflections

What is the essence of leadership? How do leaders effectively implement, sustain, and scale change? There is no shortage of responses regarding the topic, which is why questions are more important than answers. Narrowing down the most critical competencies can take time and effort. However, let’s look at it from the perspective of debunking what authentic leadership is, not to get at the heart of what it really is when it comes to agents of change.

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Shift to Providing Feedback as Students Work

Catlin Tucker

How can pulling feedback into the classroom help students develop confidence and improve their self-regulation skills? Feedback is one of the most powerful tools a teacher has to support students in achieving standards-aligned goals. Feedback also Provides clarity on learning goals and expectations. Guides students in understanding their strengths as well as areas in need of improvement.

Cultures 173

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Generate Leveled Resources with this AI App: Diffit

World History Teachers Blog

Have you tried the new AI app called Diffit. I love it—you can take primary sources that you find on the internet, paste in the URL and the program will generate the source with questions, both multiple choice and short answer. You can adjust the length of the source. If it looks too long, just click "shorten." Once you're satisfied, you can open it in google docs.

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5 Effective Strategies for Differentiating in the Interactive Classroom

A Lesson Plan for Teachers

As educators, we all know the importance of differentiation in the classroom. It is the process of tailoring instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners. Differentiation helps students learn more effectively and efficiently by providing them with a personalized learning experience. However, differentiation can be a challenging task, especially if you don’t have access […] The post 5 Effective Strategies for Differentiating in the Interactive Classroom appeared first on A Lesson

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Throwback Thursday: “Can the Chronicling America primary source newspaper site get any better? Yes. Yes, it can.”

History Tech

I’m spending a few days with some of the amazing staff at the Library of Congress (I’m looking at you, Cheryl), learning more about their super cool primary sources and more ways to use them.

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Youth Mental Health and Safety Don't Take a Summer Break

ED Surge

Just because this school year has ended doesn’t mean the crisis facing our nation’s youth is over. In fact, the data suggests the exact opposite. During the 2022-23 school year, suicide skyrocketed to the second leading cause of death among children aged 10 to 14 in the United States. Research shows some youth are more affected than others. Nearly 1 in 3 high school girls said they had considered suicide.

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The Magnitude of Follow-Through

A Principal's Reflections

" It's the follow-through that makes the great difference between success and failure, because it's so easy to stop. " - Charles F. Kettering Have you ever made a commitment to do something, only to find yourself needing to follow through? How about getting motivated at a conference or professional learning, only to keep everything the same once you are back in your classroom, school, or district?

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OPINION: We must remove barriers that keep teachers away from our profession and encourage a diverse workforce

The Hechinger Report

Schools can’t afford to lose teachers of color. And with public schools struggling to fill teacher vacancies with qualified educators, district and school leaders can’t afford to lose any more teachers,period. Today, less than one in five teachers identify as Black, Hispanic or Asian American amidst an increasingly diverse student population. It is time to take a hard look at the policies that keep our diverse students from learning from teachers who look like them.

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How To Boost Student Success: 5 Engaging Collaborative Classroom Activities

A Lesson Plan for Teachers

Collaboration is an essential skill that students need to develop in order to succeed in school and in life. As teachers, we need to provide opportunities for our students to work together, learn from each other, and solve problems together. The following are my favorite collaborative classroom activities that will let your students build a […] The post How To Boost Student Success: 5 Engaging Collaborative Classroom Activities appeared first on A Lesson Plan for Teachers.

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247 candles!? Way to go, America!

History Tech

On June 7, 1776, the Second Continental Congress listened as Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed a resolution declaring the United States independent from Great Britain: “Resolved, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that […]

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Making Children's Media about STEM More Inclusive

ED Surge

Kareem Edouard has been doing research for years on how to make children’s media more inclusive. And these days he’s putting those ideas into practice — on a big platform. He’s applying his research as a creative producer for a new show on PBS called Work It Out Wombats! , aimed at teaching concepts of computational thinking to kids ages 3 to 6. Edouard is no stranger to making media.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Leaders

A Principal's Reflections

You would be hard-pressed not to have heard how AI is evolving at such a fast rate. Tools like ChatGBT and Google Bard weren’t even a thing before 2023. With any innovation, there is both excitement and fear. While there is room for caution, leaders can tap into the power of AI. As I shared in Digital Leadership , evolving technology enables and empowers leaders to seize the moment and look for ways to fundamentally improve teaching, learning, and leadership.

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The Power of Professional Development: How to Use Micro-credentials as an Organization

Digital Promise

The post The Power of Professional Development: How to Use Micro-credentials as an Organization appeared first on Digital Promise.

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OPINION: A New York model helps community college students reach their goals

The Hechinger Report

As public confidence in the value of higher education wanes, state and national higher education leaders must do more to invest in programs that have demonstrated success at improving college completion rates and helping students find well-paying jobs. A good example is the Accelerated Study in Associate Programs , or ASAP, at the City University of New York (CUNY).

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Building a Dream School: Reflections of a Principal's Journey and the Impact of Collaboration

Education Elements

I have always aspired to open a new school that cultivates a school atmosphere centered on learning and student achievement. One that recruits and retains the best teachers and staff, meaningfully engages with students, families, and the community, and utilizes research-based and culturally responsive curriculum. I have not yet fulfilled that dream, but I had the opportunity to work alongside James Hopkins, a school principal in Durham, North Carolina, who has done just that.

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News flash. Treasured summer reading list tradition in danger

History Tech

Yeah. I’m a little behind schedule. Let’s just say that my May and June did not go as planned and leave it at that.

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Teachers Leaving the Classroom: An EdSurge Summer Reading List

ED Surge

School’s out for summer. School’s out … forever? When we started to devise a summer reading list of EdSurge articles from 2023 that have been most popular so far this year, we couldn’t help but notice a pattern: Readers are hungry for stories about teachers leaving the profession. In fact, our top pieces all address the reality that plenty of educators are thinking of leaving the classroom behind.

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What We’re Reading: 3 Resources for Implementing Edtech


Nowadays, an important responsibility of administrating student and teacher learning includes implementing edtech for a school or district. Schools use many edtech tools and platforms, ranging from student-facing note-taking apps to teacher-facing AI-driven grading platforms. But it’s time-consuming for leaders to help integrate technology efficiently with already-existing school processes.

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Why Co-Designing Learning and Employment Record Technologies is Best Practice

Digital Promise

The post Why Co-Designing Learning and Employment Record Technologies is Best Practice appeared first on Digital Promise.

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PROOF POINTS: Plenty of Black college students want to be teachers, but something keeps derailing them late in the process

The Hechinger Report

A growing problem in American classrooms is that teachers don’t resemble the students they teach. Eighty percent of the nation’s 3.8 million public school teachers are white, but over half of their students are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American and mixed races. The small slice of Black teachers has actually shrunk slightly over the past decade from 7 percent in 2011–12 to 6 percent in 2020–21, while Black students make up a much larger 15 percent share of the public school student po

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Strategic Planning With Students, For Students

Education Elements

I support school teams nationwide through the process of unpacking survey and focus group data from their communities. One consistent trend across school districts is that most adults overestimate their ability to understand and empathize with their students’ experiences at school. Even teachers who regularly work directly with students and have the best intentions tend to misrepresent students’ feelings and beliefs about their academic and social experiences at school.

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Generate leveled Resources with this AI app: Diffit

US Government Teachers Blog

Have you tried the new AI app called Diffit. I love it—you can take primary sources that you find on the internet, paste in the URL and the program will generate the source with questions, both multiple choice and short answer. You can adjust the length of the source. If it looks too long, just click "shorten." Once you're satisfied, you can open it in google docs.

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American Students Deserve a Multilingual Education

ED Surge

As an English language teacher in an international primary school and a language learner myself, I often think about how many K-12 students in the United States are given the opportunity to study another language in school. The answer? Not enough. There are a number of research organizations collecting data about foreign language study and multilingualism in the U.S., however, with insufficient and lagging data from schools, this research has its limitations.

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The Role of AI in Education: A Disruption Worth Embracing (via The Guardian)


In the News There has been more and more recent conversation around the role of AI in education. In this Guardian article, Rose Luckin, a professor at the UCL Knowledge Lab in London, talks about how “AI could be a force for tremendous good within education.” Read more for highlights from this Guardian article about the role of AI in education, or scroll to the bottom for a link to the original.

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The Power of Community Mentors in Building Student-Led Professional Development

Digital Promise

Students and educators from Bristol Township School District, in partnership with Bristol Cares, built a student leadership and community mentorship program

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‘A second prison’: People face hidden dead ends when they pursue a range of careers post-incarceration

The Hechinger Report

Jesse Wiese spent seven years in prison; when he left the Iowa facility in 2006, he thought his debt to society had been paid. While inside, Wiese had earned an undergraduate degree and puzzled over how he might do right in the world. He started studying for the law school admissions test, thinking he could become a lawyer and maybe, one day, a judge.

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3 Essential Tips for Increasing Student Enrollment in Your District

Education Elements

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically shifted the culture of learning in America and the issue of school enrollment is a current topic of repeated conversation. Remote learning created the option for students to learn outside of the school building and the shifts from remote, to hybrid resulted in a noticeable decline in school enrollment. Many students simply struggled to return to school.

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“Can I have this? Can I have that?”

Achieve the Core

These are the words my young granddaughter uses when she sees anything we have that is interesting that she wants to explore how to use. Recently, a colleague and I explored what happens when we allow students to request whatever tool they might want to help solve a problem. Activating Student Agency In a sixth-grade classroom, the teacher and I selected to use Math Milestones task 6:12 in order to activate and deepen student learning around graphing points on a coordinate plane, understanding s

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Ensuring Effective Integration of Technology and Curriculum to Maximize Learner Potential

ED Surge

The right team, professional development and buy-in are essential to transformative digital learning, according to leaders of some of the largest K–12 school districts in the U.S. During a panel discussion at 1EdTech’s Learning Impact Conference in Anaheim this summer, distinguished educators shed light on their districts' digital transformations and emphasized the crucial role of collaboration, professional development and buy-in to ensure the effective integration of technology and curriculum.

K-12 98
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Coral Bleaching

O-Level Geography

Where is the great barrier reef located? What are the changes in terms of the severity of coral bleaching from 2016 to 2020? Why is there a shift in the areas affected by severe coral bleaching? What cause coral bleaching? How does climate change impact on coral bleaching? What are the consequences of coral bleaching?

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How Our Micro-credentials Platform Became a 1EdTech Learning Impact Awards Finalist

Digital Promise

The post How Our Micro-credentials Platform Became a 1EdTech Learning Impact Awards Finalist appeared first on Digital Promise.

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What does restorative justice look like?

The Hechinger Report

The skirmish last fall began on a Montgomery County, Maryland, school bus. This story also appeared in The Washington Post Someone—no one is exactly sure who—tossed a water bottle from the back of the bus, smacking a sixth grader sitting near the front. The next day, the water victim retaliated by throwing a container of milk to the back, dousing a seventh grader.

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Addressing Teacher Burnout, Post-Pandemic Learning Environments, and Public Mistrust through Strategic Planning

Education Elements

Last year, I relocated to my home state of Tennessee from New York City, and I had to secure a car for the first time in many years. As luck would have it, my first winter back in Tennessee was one of the state's coldest on record. Just enough snow fell in late December to make driving, especially up my steep driveway, a daunting experience. As I slowly crept up the hill toward my house, my tires spun in place.

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Mindfulness: Avoiding The Temptation to Over Think and Overreach as Teachers

Pedagogy and Formation

What is Mindfulness? Unpacking what 'Mindfulness' is can be mixed and confusing. It seems while many teachers talk about mindfulness, each does it for different reasons, and with different understandings of what it is. At times, the concept of mindfulness, can become lost in the challenges teachers have at times, handling and teaching diverse students.

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Training Today’s Youth to Become Tomorrow's Mental Health Care Providers

ED Surge

When Aaron Diaz, 16, looked around his Compton, California, neighborhood, he saw people struggling, with little access to mental health care. “Collective trauma is embedded within the community,” Diaz says. That’s why he decided to spend his summer learning about careers in the mental health field. Diaz is part of the first crop of high school students in a new pilot program offered by the state of California in partnership with the Child Mind Institute.

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3 Ways to Rethink Instruction in the Age of AI

Leah Cleary

Last time, we discussed 4 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Your Advantage as teachers. Today I want to discuss the implications of AI for classroom instruction. Let’s consider 3 ways to rethink instruction in the age of AI. Sounds ominous, right? The Age of AI. It’s the first in a dystopian trilogy followed by AI Strikes Back and AI Triumphant … But it’s all about how we frame it, right?

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How We’re Supporting Emerging Scholars Through Meaningful and Engaging Mentoring

Digital Promise

The post How We’re Supporting Emerging Scholars Through Meaningful and Engaging Mentoring appeared first on Digital Promise.