How 3 Districts Are Reimagining High School and the Future of Work
Digital Promise
MAY 31, 2024
Three innovative school districts are reimagining the high school experience to better prepare students for college and career.
Digital Promise
MAY 31, 2024
Three innovative school districts are reimagining the high school experience to better prepare students for college and career.
ED Surge
MAY 31, 2024
As educators, we understand that true learning happens when barriers are removed and diverse voices are amplified. Recently, we took the stage at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference to share our experiences designing accessible conferences and events. This wasn't a one-way lecture; it was a collaborative exploration, inviting the audience to contribute their insights and perspectives.
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The Hechinger Report
MAY 31, 2024
Jazmín Mejía pasó directamente de la secundaria a lo que pensó que era la opción perfecta en la Universidad Loyola de Chicago, a 30 minutos en automóvil del barrio donde creció. Pero pronto se sintió abrumada en el campus del lado norte, que tiene casi 17,000 estudiantes. “Las clases eran demasiado grandes”, dijo Mejía, de 18 años. “Se me dificultaba pedir ayuda”.
Living Geography
MAY 31, 2024
Take part in the GA's fieldwork survey ahead of the start of the National Fieldwork Festival tomorrow. Primary & secondary #geographyteachers please share your views on #fieldwork by taking part in this survey. Only 10 quick Qs & your answers which will help inform @The_GA work as part of #NationalFestivalofFieldwork Look forward to your answers.
Heinemann Blog
MAY 31, 2024
The following is an adapted excerpt from Steve Leinwand and Eric Milou’s Invigorating High School Math. Listen to their conversation about high school math reform on the Heinemann podcast.
Dr. Preece
MAY 31, 2024
Feeling very much like an imposter, I was delighted to join scientists in the fabulous settings of St. Alban’s School to attend 2024’s Cog Sci Sci conference. I was very grateful to the organisers – for putting on an amazing event, with a real teacher-led discussion sense and a great buzz about the room – but also for encouraging and supporting people to come along and share, even if their last science was some decades ago now.
Dr. Shannon Doak
MAY 31, 2024
If you’ve been following my LinkedIn posts recently, you already know how excited I am about the new capabilities of ChatGPT Omni. This upgraded version of ChatGPT, found here , has truly been a game changer for me, especially with its ability to analyze data and access the internet. Let me share how these features have revolutionized my workflow and allowed me to focus on more critical tasks.
Social Studies Network brings together the best content for social studies educators from the widest variety of thought leaders.
Passion for Social Studies
MAY 31, 2024
If you think about kids sharing a new toy, there is usually some type of conflict. For instance, both want the toy, but there is only one, so they must share. This disagreement leads to arguing, fighting, and tears. Honestly, this same situation can occur within the US Government. If two branches want control over the same issue, it can lead to a mountain of problems.
Zinn Education Project
MAY 31, 2024
This year marks the 60th anniversary of Freedom Summer, a voting rights campaign with lessons for today. Freedom Summer was organized by activists in the South to draw national attention to the white supremacist terror that denied African Americans their basic rights to education, fair labor, voting, land, assembly, healthcare, and more. As explained on the SNCC Digital Gateway website, Freedom Summer was: Ten weeks that comprised the “long hot summer,” centered around several goals: to establis
Let's Cultivate Greatness
MAY 31, 2024
Teaching civics and government is different from teaching history—it really requires a different set of go-to lesson ideas and projects. So, if you are brand new to the subject and need to know everything about how to teach civics, or you’re struggling to find ways to go beyond the textbook, welcome! It can also feel like sticking to the textbook and facts is the only way to teach civics during polarizing times, even when we know doing that is super boring.
Political Science Now
MAY 31, 2024
Three Fallacies Undermining Participatory Constitution Making By Yanina Welp , Albert Hirschman Democracy Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute In recent years, many emerging actors (e.g., new social movements and parties) associate democratic problems with representative institutions. Accordingly, as a solution, they propose to introduce direct citizen participation in constitution and law making.
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