How Frugal Innovation Inspires Students’ Resourcefulness and Creativity
Digital Promise
DECEMBER 10, 2024
The post How Frugal Innovation Inspires Students Resourcefulness and Creativity appeared first on Digital Promise.
Digital Promise
DECEMBER 10, 2024
The post How Frugal Innovation Inspires Students Resourcefulness and Creativity appeared first on Digital Promise.
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ED Surge
DECEMBER 10, 2024
Even years later, San Francisco Unified School District casts a shadow over attempts to quash long-standing disparities in math. In 2014, the district pushed algebra to ninth grade from eighth grade, in an attempt to eliminate the tracking, or grouping, of students into lower and upper math paths. The district hoped that scrapping honors math classes and eighth grade algebra courses would reduce disparities in math learning in the district.
Let's Cultivate Greatness
DECEMBER 10, 2024
Its easy to focus on just the President when teaching the Executive Branch, but its important also to stress the role of the four million other people who make up this branch of government. With a few targeted activities, though, you can cover the president and the operations of the whole branch in just a couple of weeks. Here are some of my favorite lessons and activities for teaching the executive branch in my high school Civics and Government class.
Institute for Citizens & Scholars
DECEMBER 10, 2024
The final blog in this series examines how we can redefine citizenship in a modern context through a pilot survey of Gen Z.
ED Surge
DECEMBER 10, 2024
The idea of being bad at math or not a math person is deeply entrenched in American education for students and teachers alike. But it doesnt have to be, says Phonisha Hawkins, director of instructional excellence for secondary math at KIPP Texas Public Schools, a branch of the national KIPP charter network. If we encourage teachers to be more confident in their own math abilities, Hawkins believes, the next generation of students will have stronger skills and greater confidence in math as well.
Political Science Now
DECEMBER 10, 2024
Exploring Open Education Pedagogy in Research Methods Classrooms: Diversifying Methods By usta Carranza Ko and Michael Shochet , University of Baltimore Despite the known benefits of open pedagogy that involves collaborative and interactive creation of knowledge and learning experiences, it remains underutilized as a framework for teaching in research methods classrooms.
Social Studies Network brings together the best content for social studies educators from the widest variety of thought leaders.
Zinn Education Project
DECEMBER 10, 2024
The Zinn Education Project (coordinated by Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change) supports and defends the right to teach truthfully. In 2025, with your help , we can: Recruit thousands of teachers to our peoples history network , now 170,000 strong Organize actions and media to challenge anti-history education laws and book bans Develop more lessons and offer workshops on immigration, environmental racism, McCarthyism, Reconstruction, voting rights, Palestine , and more Engage thousands of
Teaching American History
DECEMBER 10, 2024
Bill of Rights dayDecember 15commemorates the day in 1791 when the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, were ratified. To celebrate Bill of Rights Day, we offer below a condensed version of the introduction to the Bill of Rights core document volume , available, as are all the document volumes, in the TAH bookstore. Our late colleague, Gordon Lloyd, edited the volume and wrote the introduction.
DECEMBER 10, 2024
An anthropologist takes a critical eye to a long-running holiday tradition: a U.S. military mission that drops toys and supplies throughout Micronesia. On a balmy December morning at Andersen Air Force Basea U.S. military installation on the tropical island of Guamseven gargantuan C-130 Super Hercules cargo planes prepare for a mission over a vast stretch of the Pacific Ocean.
Teaching American History
DECEMBER 10, 2024
Bill of Rights dayDecember 15commemorates the day in 1791 when the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, were ratified. To celebrate Bill of Rights Day, we offer below a condensed version of the introduction to the Bill of Rights core document volume, available, as are all the document volumes, in the TAH bookstore. Our late colleague, Gordon Lloyd, edited the volume and wrote the introduction.
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