Mon.Dec 25, 2023

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The Widespread Exploitation of Straight-Tusked Elephants by Neanderthals

Archaeologists have unveiled groundbreaking discoveries shedding light on the behavior of Neanderthals, revealing their involvement in hunting and butchering straight-tusked elephants ( Palaeoloxodon antiquu s) during the Pleistocene period. This revelation, stemming from the collaborative efforts of MONREPOS, the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, and Leiden University, delineates a significant facet of Neanderthal subsistence strategies dating back around 125,000 years ago.

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Decoding Prehistoric Handprints: A Tale of Deliberate Digit Removal

The exploration of prehistoric cave art has long captivated the imagination, offering a glimpse into ancient cultures and rituals. However, recent revelations by Canadian scientists have ignited a discourse challenging traditional interpretations. Their findings, presented at annual meeting of the European Society for Human Evolution, delve into the haunting mysteries shrouding handprints found in caves worldwide, suggesting a ritualistic practice of finger amputation.