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Teach Truth Day of Action 2024

Zinn Education Project

For the past three summers, teachers rallied across the country to speak out against anti-history education bills and to make public their pledge to teach the truth. Area Educators for Social Justice has secured the following co-sponsors for this year, in addition to the co-host, the African American Civil War Museum and Memorial.

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Teach Truth Day of Action 2025

Zinn Education Project

For the past three summers, teachers rallied across the country to speak out against anti-history education bills. The educator-led events received national media attention, providing a valuable counter narrative to the oversized coverage of the well-funded anti-CRT movement. Attend meetings, vote, run for office.

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Teaching About Palestine-Israel and the Unfolding Genocide in Gaza

Zinn Education Project

Created in 2010 and housed at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, the Costs of War project builds on the work of over 60 scholars, experts, human rights advocates, and physicians from around the world. Mona Chalabi’s Data Visualizations. Our work aims to bring an end to the occupation.”