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In Japan, plummeting university enrollment forecasts what’s ahead for the U.S.

The Hechinger Report

There will be a 10 percent drop in the number of high school graduates from 2026 to 2037, according to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. college and university enrollment, which has fallen by more than 11 percent since 2000, is projected to drop by as much as 15 percent between 2026 and 2037.

Economics 144
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Mandatory kindergarten and home economics: What Mississippi lawmakers have proposed for 2017

The Hechinger Report

School board qualifications: All members of local school boards who are elected to office must have completed at least one year of postsecondary education at an accredited college or university under Senate Bill 2037.

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‘Praying that my health holds out’: Many senior citizens expect to die with college loan debts

The Hechinger Report

Even that is little consolation to Mary Donahue, a social worker in private practice in Richmond, Virginia, who has converted her loans into income-contingent repayment and will have them forgiven in 2037. She’ll be nearly 76 by then, however, and will have paid $159,033 on her loans; the principal was about $109,000.